
Progress on Capital Projects -- Stormwater Master Plan; Flamingo Park Tennis Courts; Lincoln Park Basis of Design Report

At its meeting on Feb 3rd, the Miami Beach City Commission will be asked to move forward on three matters that have been discussed over the last several months at the Flamingo Park Neighborhood Association.

The Commission will be asked to direct the Administration to negotiate with the top responders to the recently issued RFQ to update the Stormwater Master Plan.  This is a crucial element in moving forward on capital improvement projects in the Flamingo Neighborhood.  Access material at....

The City Commission will be asked to return to the issue of hard vs clay courts at the renovated Tennis Center facility.  There are a substantial number of players who require clay courts and there is also substanial advocacy for hard courts particularly on behalf of students at Miami Beach Senior High School.  Current plans call for 17 clay courts.  It also provides for hard courts at Polo Park and/or alternatively at the Par 3 Golf Course site.  At the January City Commission meeting the Commission was asked to provide hard courts at Flamingo Park and the matter was deferred to the Februay Commission meeting in order to assure broad public participation in the discussion.

The City Commission will be asked to refer consideration of the Lincoln Park design to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee.  West 8 is the selected Park Architect and have been working with New World Symphony, City staff and at community advertised meetings to develop the set of principals and fundamental design concepts to serve as the Basis of Design for the project.