
CMB Commission Land Use + Development Committee will meet Tomorrow, Wed, Feb 23rd, 4pm

Enforcement of Short Term Rental Ordinance

On February 23rd, at 4pm, at City Hall, City Manager’s Conference Room, the City Commission Land Use and Development Committee will discuss the enforcement of the short-term rentals laws passed unanimously by the Commission.
Short-term rentals in residential areas are a matter of great concern to us, and we imagine to you as well. Members of the Commission have received a significant number of contacts urging better enforcement of the laws passed in 2009 and 2010, banning rentals of less than six months in single family areas and in the residential sections of the low-density residential Flamingo Park neighborhood.
We have taken the position that the ordinance should be enforced pro-actively in our neighborhood. We would very much appreciate your representation at this meeting, both for our benefit and for yours. Jeff and Eric are leading our efforts on this matter and merit our support.

The Committee is will also consider the Alton Road Historic Buffer Overlay District and the related Parking District Ordinance.
This matter has been carefully studied by FPNA with leadership on the issue from Marc Needle. It remains very, very important to maintain support for our position on these matters.