
From the Miami Beach Police Department -- Sent to us by Capt. Mark Causey and Lt. Wayne Jones

A Modern Day South Beach Christmas Story

From: Muley, Mike
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 00:08
To: Jones, Wayne
Subject: 626 Euclid Av # 1

Lt. Jones,

I wanted to update you on 626 Euclid Av. # 1. I responded to this location last week reference a verbal domestic disturbance. At this location were two children a girl age 5 (Shirley) and a boy age 13 (Calvin). Inside the small studio apt. was a small Christmas tree with no gifts two beds and not much else. The apartment was clean however you could see the family was struggling to make ends meet. I struck up a conversation with Calvin the 13 year old. He stated they were having a hard time with money and he felt bad for his little sister because he did not think there were going to be any gifts from Santa for her. He was concerned because he would not be able to explain to her why Santa did not come to the house. This really weighed heavy on me and I felt I needed to do something. On Christmas Day I went to the house after roll call and took the family Christmas dinner, I got the children’s sizes and asked them what they wanted for Christmas. My family and I went to the store and bought clothes and toys for the kids. In addition I requested the help of my neighbors who donated items as well. I returned on today’s date after roll call with Officer Saygeh and made the delivery. The family was overwhelmed to say the least. What a great feeling to be able to help a family who really needed it and represent our police department at the same time. I wanted to thank you for your support in allowing me to take the time to help these kids and the family. I will continue to check in on the family until they get back on their feet. I guess everything happens for a reason and being back on patrol as an officer has given me the opportunity to help this family out.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement,
Officer Mike Muley