
Flamingo Southeast CIP Project Information -- Provided by City of Miami Beach

Flamingo Neighborhood Improvement Project
Construction Activity is currently underway.

The WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS for the Flamingo Neighborhood Improvement Project began on July 6, 2010 and are estimated to be completed by October 2010. Weather and other unforeseen circumstances may alter the anticipated schedule. The balance of underground utility and neighborhood improvements, which will consist of lighting, drainage, hardscape, landscaping and roadway improvements, are currently being designed/permitted, and will be forthcoming after the water main installations are complete.


Ric-Man International, Inc., Yarni Fernandez, Public Information Officer, 1210 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Phone: (305) 535-1743, Fax: (305) 535-1745,
Email: yfernandez@ric-man.us

Project Limits: Washington to Meridian, 7th to 9th Streets -- The work will take place between the west side of Washington Avenue and the east side of Jefferson Avenue from 7th Street to 9the Street.

Maintenance of Traffic:  Throughout construction the contractor will strive to minimize impacts to area commuters and residents. The illustration above demonstrates a typical road closure during the improvements.

Pedestrian Impacts:  Pedestrian access will be maintained during construction; however, for safety purposes, the contractor may close sections of sidewalk and crosswalks at certain times while the work is underway. In such cases alternate pedestrian routes will be provided with proper signage.

Impacts During Construction:  Although the contractor strives to minimize all impacts associated with construction; motorists, businesses and pedestrians may experience one or more of the following inconveniences:

∙ Temporary impacts to on street parking
∙ Periods of dust and noise
∙ Pedestrian and vehicular traffic impacts
∙ Construction crews and equipment within work zone and adjacent neighborhood
∙ Storage of materials on site
∙ Temporary water service interruptions (Advanced notification will be provided)