
Workshop Meeting -- Euclid / Pennsylvania Avenue -- Design Detail

Monday, August 2, 2010, 4:00 pm
City Manager's Conf Room, Mia Bch City Hall

You are cordially invited to join us at this important Workshop Meeting to address Urban Design detail in the Flamingo Capital Improvement Streetscape Project -- Monday, August 2nd, 4:00 pm, City Manager's Conf Room, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Conv Ctr Drive, 4th Floor.

The project vision is well established in the Basis of Design Report adopted by the City Commission in 2002 -- Enhance the pedestrian experience, Calm Traffic, Increase Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility, with a resulting positive contribution on enhancing our Sense of Place!  

While Euclid Avenue was identified as the targeted model block, the Neighorhood has agreed to support the bicylce lane on Euclid in return for narrowing all other north/south Avenues. The discussion has now evolved into a consideration of Pennsylvania Avenue.

The public right of way is 70' and the current auto travel lane is 17', so there's plenty of room to work with. But if we accept 12' auto/bike shared lane, 8' for parking, 2' existing private encroachment, 7' planing area swale -- the yield only permits a 1' increase from 5' to 6' for the sidewalk. The neighborhood does not perceive that as a sufficient pedestrian enhancement and the bike/ped urban design literatrue supports a narrower roadway.

This workshop meeting is intendded to engage the neighborhood together with responsible city and county officials, and the other stakebholder in a collaborative discussion to reasonably meet the various competing needs. Your input is very important to us.

RSVP: Please let us know if you will be able to join us.

Denis Russ          Direct Line -- 305-672-4782
Miami Beach CDC -- at The Seymour
945 Pennsylvania Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
T-305-538-0090   ---   F-305-538-2863